× Attention! ​I am ready to seize my opportunity to promote my original works to a wider audience. I hope to inspire others who may not have had an interest in the Literary Arts to find their passion as well—even if it’s not involving writing. The objective is to motivate people to awaken their inner talents. The Hoodlum Book Tour is finally coming together and I am eager to keep it rolling. This tour is an independent movement organized by myself without the help of a promoter, sponsor, or investor. To help maintain it, I would appreciate more than I can express any donation that can make this dream a reality. I am already thankful to be surrounded by so many incredible people. This unique and versatile Tour aims to promote both Hoodlum Book (2017) and God's in the Water (2015) along with my own acoustic music, using traditional music venues, nightclubs, coffee shops, and private shows. I will also be doing books readings and signings at smaller, independent bookstores across the country. Many say that traveling around the country isn't feasible for a solo artist and i’d need the complete support of my community, friends, family, and fans; I smile and say, right—that’s when I realize they are being skeptical. With the help of family, friends, my community, and Hoodlum's everywhere, this tour will be a success. Thank you, -Zac
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About the Book


Release Date: May 27, 2016

Year    :   May 27, 2017
By    :   Zac Young
Slogan    :   #HOODLUMBOOK
Genre    :   Poems, Short stories, Songs
Age    :   ANY

Hoodlum Book is a sporadic collection of poems, songs, and short stories from author Zac Young. This rambunctious work ranges from: scribbles born on cocktail napkins at last-call—poems streaming in and out of reality, of love, of darkness—to fictitious tales which are likely to have, and will happen again. Songs from his time recording and traveling with the band, Stereomonster. Also, featuring poems from the debut novel, God’s in the Water. This record is an engaging and thought-provoking experience.


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